#ifndef STACK_H#define STACK_Htypedef char ElementType;struct Node;typedef struct Node *PtrToNode;typedef PtrToNode Stack;int IsEmpty(Stack S);Stack CreatStack();void MakeEmpty(Stack S);void DiseposeStack(Stack S);void Push(Stack S, ElementType X);void Pop(Stack S);ElementType Top(Stack S);ElementType PopAndTop(Stack S);#endif
#include"Stack.h"#include#include struct Node{ ElementType Element; PtrToNode Next;};Stack CreatStack(){ Stack S; S = (Stack)malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); if(S == NULL) { printf("sorry! malloc is failed!"); return NULL; } else { S->Next = NULL; MakeEmpty(S);//confirm the stack is emptystack } return S;}int IsEmpty(Stack S){ return S->Next == NULL;}void MakeEmpty(Stack S){ if(S == NULL) printf("Please creatstack first!"); while(!IsEmpty(S)) Pop(S);}void DiseposeStack(Stack S){ PtrToNode P, Tmp; P = S->Next; S->Next = NULL; while(P != NULL) { Tmp = P->Next; free(P); P = Tmp; }}void Push(Stack S, ElementType x){ PtrToNode NewCell; NewCell = (Stack)malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); if(NewCell == NULL) printf("Sorry! malloc is failed!"); else { NewCell->Element = x; NewCell->Next = S->Next; S->Next = NewCell; } }void Pop(Stack S){ PtrToNode FirstCell; if(IsEmpty(S)) printf("Sorry the stack is empty!"); else { FirstCell = S->Next; S->Next = FirstCell->Next; //S->Next = S->Next->Next;//这样最安全 free(FirstCell); }}ElementType Top(Stack S){ if(!IsEmpty(S)) return S->Next->Element; printf("Sorry! the stack is empty"); return 0;}ElementType PopAndTop(Stack S){ PtrToNode FirstCell; ElementType FirstElement; if(IsEmpty(S)) printf("Sorry the stack is empty!"); else { FirstCell = S->Next; FirstElement = S->Next->Element; S->Next = S->Next->Next; free(FirstCell); return FirstElement; }}